
Tuesday 9 July 2024

The Paris Olympics

 The Olympic Games are taking place between Friday 26th July and Sunday 11th August 2024 in France, with most events taking place in Paris.

This year's challenge for Great Western Embroiderers' members was to produce a piece of work on a 12 inch canvas using the Olympic colours and circles.  Members produced a lovely variety of work as they all interpreted the brief in their own style.

This work can be seen from now until the end of the Olympics in the window of the Cricklade Town Council Office.  

The Olympic pieces will be on show again as part of Swindon Open Studios when we will be exhibiting them, along with work produced on the theme of Arts and Crafts and a selection of other work that members have done as part of Great Western Embroiderers in the past.  We will be venue number 20 and will be at the Jenner Hall on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September 2024 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.  While visiting us why not also go to see the other Cricklade venues open that weekend - number 21 Cricklade Art Group and number 19 Tim Baynes.  

Great Western Embroiderers (

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