
Tuesday, 11 March 2025

March 2025 Meeting

 For our March meeting we had a lovely discussion, with a show and tell, about the work that we were currently doing.  A few members were working on their blue challenge pieces for this year's Swindon Open Studios and there was advice given about how to tame the peacock material that we were asked to incorporate - that part certainly is a challenge!

Other members had been working on their new Arts and Crafts piece - there are some beautiful pieces of work there that will also be on show at Open Studios in September.  We are also planning on another visit to Kelmscott Manor in May to get more inspiration.

Apart from the pieces being prepared for the exhibition this year members also shared other items that they were working on.  This was very varied and included a beautiful dress adorned with silk paper, a thread scroll with an amusing message, embroidered fabric tops for boxes, intuitive daily stitching and improv quilting.

The stitch for this month was Chain.  Most of us forgot to bring our stitch with us this month, so only a couple of photos this time.