
Saturday, 26 November 2016

End of Exhbition and other news.

The Exhibition was well received in Malmesbury and have some wonderful comments in the visitors book,  we were delighted with Sales too.  It has ended now.

In the new year we will be working to our new theme which will be announced at the AGM on Tuesday 10th January. Membership fees will also be due, and are remaining at £35. We hope you feel it is good value.

The draft calendar is nearly complete and will be shared at the AGM. The committee are very excited about it . We are also in the process of organising a new exhibiting opportunity.... so watch this space!

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Our next Exhibition........

Look forward to seeing you there.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Festival of Quilts 11th August 2011

We are taking part in the Game of quilts organised by Hilary and Ann of the Quilters Guild. So please come along to see us and say hello. We are on the stand by the Children's workshop, all day on Thursday.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Amanda Hislop Workshop

We had a wonderful day creating landscape paintings and then cutting them to make sketchbooks. Great inspiration for our next exhibition in Malmesbury in November. 

A selection of Members finished work. 

Friday, 26 February 2016

Lots of activity!

3 different craft activities taking place..... beading, applique patchwork and knitting. Can you guess which is which?

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

January CTD meeting

Working towards our next exhibition....... sketchbook work and development.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

the AGM meeting

The January meeting seems to have crept upon us very quickly and so it was time to have our yearly AGM.  A time to reflect and celebrate a wonderful 2015, and then go on to  introduce the new theme for the year and the exciting planned events for 2016.
So lots of excited exchanges of ideas and discussions about the new theme and about the events for this year ... some members started stitching their ideas..... others were reflecting and using notebooks and sketchbooks.  Lots of cups of tea and cake helped the process. We have started!  Absolutely amazing. 

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Christmas 2015

We enjoyed a wonderful lunch, all provided by members and had a very sociable chat and some members even had time to stitch! The Secret Santa is always a highlight of the activities too. 

And of course...... there is all the washing up to do as well! Happy New Year.

22nd Sepember---Creative stitch day

 A very stitchy day... busy making gifts for Christmas.